Chances are you deal with stress, in one way or another, every single day. Many people, for example, feel stressed out at work (especially if they work a super demanding job). Some people might feel overwhelmed or stressed out when parenting small children, or, if you’re a student, studying for an exam could be what gives you a stress attack.

Thankfully, the answer to better handling stress already lies inside of you: emotional resilience. You already have the ability to be emotionally resilient, but it can be difficult to know how to tap into it. In this article, we’ll be going over three essential tips for handling stress and building emotional resilience, so stick around!

Exercise Regularly and Practice Good Nutrition

You’ve probably heard this before, but that’s just because it’s so true. Regular physical activity and maintaining a proper diet both play a significant role when it comes to building emotional resilience. Your body and mind are very interconnected, so when you take good care of one (i.e. the body), the other (your mental state) will improve as well. You build both physical and emotional resilience when you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, so we’d highly recommend getting into the habit of doing both and (perhaps, most importantly) sticking with it!

Take the Time to Connect With Others

There’s nothing better than spending quality time with your friends and family members (usually), but it can be hard to find the time to do so in this fast-paced world we live in. To build emotional resilience, you need to have a good support system. Humans are social beings, after all, and nobody is expecting you to get through every single hardship on your own. Spending time with others is also a great way to build a sense of community, which is something everyone fundamentally needs.

Manage Your Social Media Time

Spending too much time on social media can be stressful, and if you fall into the rabbit hole of comparing yourself to others on Instagram (for example), it can be bad for your mental health. This is why properly managing your social media time is so important. That time could be much better spent on things like practicing your passions, spending time with your loved ones, or reading a good book, anyway. We’re pretty sure these things will make you feel much happier than doom-scrolling in the long run!