Camping in the high wilderness areas can be both delightful and challenging. There are so many things to consider when camping in the high wilderness. If your plan is to get into the high wilderness areas you will have to plan a safe route to get there and how to stay safe while you are camping there.
Many people will choose to pack in on foot and some will use pack mule or donkey to get their gear to the proper locations. Others may use a helicopter snowmobile or even a dog sled to get to their high wilderness camping destinations depending on the time of year.
If you were to consider packing into a high wilderness location for your camping experience you would want to make certain you consider the type of wildlife you may be coming in contact with. Also never underestimate the possibility that many things in the wild will experience your presence and you will not even know they are watching you.
If you are planning a camping trip to a place with grizzly bears, puma, mountain lions, cougars, or even moose you may want to consider having a few items for your camping trip that I put on my high wilderness camping list. You will want to take bags and rope for hanging any food high in a tree that you catch or take with you.
Make sure you have a sharp pocket knife and a handgun or other emergency-type weapon that you can feel comfortable carrying. Some campers will camp without packing a weapon into the high wilderness but I would not advise it unless you are traveling in a group of several people and other strategies have been discussed for your camping trip.
It can make a person feel much safer and more secure in the expansive outdoors when carrying something to equalize the confrontation should you cross a mother bear and cub or a moose and her young. Quite often the wildlife would prefer to avoid conflict just as you will but playing it safe is definitely a preferred option.
Camping in the high wilderness in the spring and fall is quite cold from sunset to sunrise. For this reason, a fire for cooking can usually give the camping experience the warmth you will require while also scaring off animals that are afraid of fire. Some wilderness areas are off limits to fire pits, but most of the USA camping areas allow camping with a fire for warmth and cooking.
The key to remember when leaving a fire is that you must put it out cold before leaving the campsite. All smoke must be gone to be certain there are no smoldering coals. Camping near water will help you extinguish a fire much quicker when you are ready to leave.
Camping can be just what your heart yearns for and if so, planning is the key to your camping success. Plan well for the terrain, the wildlife, and of course the weather. Make sure you have your camping trip planned with someone at home so they know when to expect you back from your camping trip and make a contingency plan in case of a severe weather emergency or a first aid emergency.